Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Challenges of Donation Management Essay - 2266 Words

As human beings, most of us have a natural instinct to take care of each other in a time of need. When someone falls, you stop and help them up. So when a disaster happens, people want to help and make everything alright. Those near and far to the disaster may show up and volunteer. Others want to help by supplying material needs to the victims of the hazard. They began making donations in the forms of food, water, clothing, medicines or other needed supplies called in-kind donations or some donations are in the form of cash. The outpouring of giving can be overwhelming in a positive and negative way. Along with the hazard and its effects, someone has to manage the vast amount of donations by organizing and distributing to the needy†¦show more content†¦The donated supplies need storing until distribution and when there is a large supply of donations, storage can become an issue. Buildings or warehouses may have to be rented to house the donations. Sometimes there a re too many donations or too many of one particular item. Many times there are not enough donated items to meet needs. Other challenges include items not being suitable donations for a particular disaster area, for example coats in warm climates or damaged, expired or unlabeled medications. Distribution of the items also is a challenge. Sometimes getting the much needed supplies out to the vulnerable victims is difficult. All of these challenges mean extra work and can be very overwhelming for volunteers and emergency workers. (McEntire, 188-189) In an article by Dave Roos, he lists ten items that should not be donated for various reasons. These items are used clothing, blankets, teddy bears, shoes, medicines, pet supplies, boxes of mixed items, canned food and bottled water, unsolicited help, and your money to an unknown organization. When these items are donated, hardships can be presented. The material items have to be handled and inspected by trained volunteers which can become overwhelming. Some donated items are things not suitable for donating such as stained clothing or torn and dirty toys. These items have to be thrown away which adds to the workload ofShow MoreRelatedEmergency Responders And Emergency Emergencies1233 Words   |  5 Pagesand emotional support that encourages community resilience. However, their effectiveness depends upon proper coordination of volunteers, groups and volunteer organizations. Having large numbers of people and supplies can pose serious challenges for emergency management. Massive volunteer responses are typically part of the initial response phase following a disaster but, on some occasions volunteer efforts extend throughout the post-impact and recovery periods. 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